KJ's Music Blog

Music - Passion - Love - Inspiration - Vocal

24 September 2008




Small cloud with vegetable in front(SCWVIF) 迟到

*都是雅福的错,玩转杯子的时候转得太快,害我连看4D Motion的时候都想吐了,还好吃了午餐后就有好转了。

*原因:玩space shot(跳楼机)。自称自己不容易哭的人哭了,哈哈!

Wei Yen喜事
*托碰碰车(Bumper Car)的福,Wei Yen找到了好归宿(年纪小小,不过蛮帅的),虽然小Wei Yen 6岁,不过年龄绝对不是问题。真的很配,我有相为证。祝你们幸福安康。哇哈哈!




*哇哈哈,大部分都是赠品,我抽到O' Cha(绿茶口味的避孕套),什么奖品啊?!我在此要爆料,Yoke Fong抽到的香水也是赠品,是我们这几个上次在Fireman吃晚餐的时候以宣传之名送的,据说值RM150,价格不凡。大家似乎都上当了,还以为有什么超级大奖?哇哈哈!

Guan Han倒了


祝大家假期快乐,不假期也一样快乐。I love ya'll.


17 September 2008


This was the interesting scene on my MSN during exam week. Look at our "business" (busy+ness).

Look, "busy's" in a column.

Look closer.

Everyone seemed busy. My status was set as "busy", too.

Wish everyone is going to get yourself a status of "online"(free) sooner.


11 September 2008

A Jooalicious Spirit

There were some time I was pushing myself quite hard to hit whistle notes (a.k.a super high notes or well-known as super high pitch, i.e. any notes higher than E6, 2 octaves higher from the middle E.) Unfortunately, I ain't born to hit that big notes, I did try. I can only hit sometimes when my vocal cord really had a good rest, but not always. So it doesn't count in my bound of vocal range. What really counts in vocal range is you can do them all every time you wanna do, full score in every single note without "cheating".

But then I figured out that whistle note is just like a bonus in vocal acrobatics. What I prefer my voice to be is actually more powerful in upper range of my chest voice, 'cause sometimes when I come to sing a couple high notes, it sounds like a bit struggling and consuming. After all, wide vocal range is nothing if you don't have a great chest register or good controlling.

For god's sake, after taking rest for some time, my voice quality is now much better than few weeks before, but still easily get vocal fatigue sometimes after extensively used. After taking some rest while preparing for final test, I'm so happy that I can sing my little runs again, and so interested to develop my runs skills. I'm gonna give it a try after my test.

The song I'm gonna work on this coming school break is "And I'm telling you I'm not going" covered by Jennifer Holiday. This is a spectacular song, extraordinarily soulful, but also extraordinarily tough to sing well, too. The big notes, emotions, and skills of this song are all crazy. I'll be glad if I can perform this piece for upcoming singing performance, it'll be a "wow" if I sing it nicely, hopefully. I wish I'm able to get my 3-week school break to have some vocal trainings at home, too. Working on runs, powerful chest register, and try out something else instead of pop, like hip hop and R&B, I began to love hip hop music recently. It's kinda like doing lips and jaw exercises, my mouth has to move fast to catch every word, very funny.

Everyone needs a boost of life. For me, I'm always finding my best voice for the song which suits me best and trying hard to impress people, revealing and proving to the people who used to bring me down, I like the feeling when they start to change their mind after I got myself some changes, got to prove myself, it's the best feeling I ever had so far. Muahaha...

A kinda Jooalicious spirit, keeps getting better and better...


06 September 2008



