KJ's Music Blog

Music - Passion - Love - Inspiration - Vocal

03 July 2009


Kind of tired to throw all the words out tonight. Picture speaks it all.

One of the specially-designed props, "Hua Gui Fei".

A complete one.

The bottle.

A bunch of it.

My lovely producer, Sam. His voice is soooo damn powerful, he could blow the K room off. Di Ke Niu Zai is his fave. LOL!

My fave Annie Wong with my producer.

Annie Wong. She's pretty.

Amber Chia and my classmate, Susan LFZ rehearsing one of the scene.

Amber Chia and my producer, Yoke rehearsing the drama.

Had a nice training at VNM.
Going hometown tomorrow, yay!

Be good.

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