KJ's Music Blog

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20 May 2009

How fast could your internet speed possibly be?

I'm so frustrated about the internet speed right now. Okay, I must admit that I've already consumed all of the threshold limits which is 20GB that makes the speed down to 20%-30% of 1.2Mbps but now I'm the only person using the line now, what the heck is the sharing networks in my area that have been mentioning by the internet server? I'm totally lost and I couldn't stand this for long, I'm going to find another broadband server for sure. Look at the average broaband speed in Japan, it's freakin' averagely 63Mbps. Did you see what I just mention? It's 63Mbps!! Even your PC can only receive the maximum of 54Mbps of it. 

Let me tell you how fast 63Mbps could be. All these calculation may not follow the formulation, it's merely my simple assumptions. Pick my broadband as lead example.

I'm currenly having 1.2Mbps broadband speed, the fastest effort I could ever get was like 150-170kbps. Downloading a 100MB software is like spending 20 minutes of your life. So let's see how long do I have to spend if I download the same thing in Japan.

1.2Mbps = approx. 170kbps (best effort speed)
63Mbps = approx. 50 x 1.2
so, 170 x 50 = 8500 kbps

8500 kbps means what? 

You can download your 8.5MB song in one second.
You only spend 12 seconds of your life to download a 100MB software.
You only spend the length of one song to download a full-length, HD movie, that could possibly be 2GB.

Amazing huh?
Unfortunately, not in Malaysia.
It's like zombies in Resident Evil walking in here, it's SO DEAD!!

Whatever or whoever do something please..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi,, very interesting read nice i have both dial up and broadband internet i checked the speed with speed